Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Study Guide

1. Poetry, devices, form.
2. Journals, arguments.
3. Vocabulary

1. Poetry

                Free Verse
                Lyric – sonnet, elegy, ode, villanelle


Rhymes: slant; masculine; feminine; end; Simile; Metaphor; Personification; Symbolism; Imagery; Onomatopoeia; Alliteration; Assonance; Consonance; Allusion; Metonymy; Synecdoche; Hyperbole; Oxymoron; Allegory; Paradox; Understatement; Litotes; Irony; Caesura, Pun, Denotation, Connotation. 

2. Journals
Know the arguments and understand how LOVE can relate to/be used in each of these situations.

Sterling "...has it all", Del Villar II "Black People are Cowards", Adrienne "Christina Falling".

3. Vocabulary

Unit 14
beatific, behemoth, blandishment, cacophonous, chicanery, consign, coup, euphemism, febrile, gainsay.
imminent, innate, loath, manifest, minutiae, moratorium, nostrum, pariah, visionary, wizened.
Unit 13
abstruse, affront, canard, captious, cognizant, contrite, cynosure, decorous, deign, desiccated
efficacy, engender, ethereal, facade, ghoulish, incongruous, machination, mesmerize, opprobrium, putative
Unit 12
aesthetic, defunct, discomfit, espouse, fetish, gregarious, hapless, impeccable, importune, interpolate.
irreparable, laconic, languish, mendacious, nadir, omnipresent, perfunctory, plaintive, requite, tantamount.
Unit 11
abrogate, ambient, asperity, burnish, cabal, delectable, deprecate, detritus, ebullient, eclectic.
flaccid, impecunious, inexorable, moribund, necromancer, onerous, rife, rudiments, sequester, winnow.
Unit 10
Askance, attenuate, benign, cavil, charlatan, decimate, foible, forgo, fraught, inure.
luminous, obsequious, obtuse, oscillate, penitent, peremptory, rebuff, reconnoiter, shambles, sporadic.
Unit 9
Acclamation, bucolic, calumniate, chary, collusion, dilettante, imperturbable, increment, mandate, paltry

paroxysm, pedantry, peregrination, redolent, refulgent, shibboleth, tyro, unremitting, vacillate, vituperative